
Warning concerning a fraud scheme misusing the name of the management company European Capital Partners (Luxembourg) S.A.

(published on 16 March 2021, updated on 24 March 2021)

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) warns the public of the website www.europeancapitalpartners.fr and of unknown persons who contact potential investors in an unsolicited way by using the name “Europe Capital Partners” and by offering investment services, including so-called savings accounts referred to as “Livret Europe”, “Livret Energie” or “Livret Alliance”. In doing so, they fraudulently use the name, the logo and the address of the management company European Capital Partners (Luxembourg) S.A., which has been duly authorised in Luxembourg under Chapter 15 of the Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment and is subject to the CSSF’s supervision.

The CSSF would like to clarify that the management company European Capital Partners (Luxembourg) S.A. has nothing to do with the website www.europeancapitalpartners.fr and the facts referred to in this warning.