
Warning concerning fraudulent activities by persons misusing the name of Cedra Investment Management S.à r.l.

Warning: Identity theft and illicit activities
Website used: https://cedraim.com/
Email address used: firstname.lastname@cedraim.com
Phone number used: +44 (0) 20 7193 8422
Alleged registered office: /
Note: The website and unknown persons impersonate Cedra Investment Management S.à r.l.


Official contact details of the company
Company name: Cedra Investment Management S.à r.l.

  • Alternative investment fund managers registered according to Article 3(3) of the Law of 12 July 2013, which do not benefit from any of the rights granted under that Law
Note: The entity Cedra Investment Management S.à r.l. is not related to the fraudulent website or to the unknown persons.