
Communication regarding the electronic money institution Dock Financial S.A.

Press release 24/33

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) informs the public that Dock Financial S.A., an electronic money institution licensed in accordance with the Law of 10 November 2009 on payment services, on the activity of electronic money institution and settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems (hereafter “the Law”), established and having its registered office at L-1150 Luxembourg, 110 Route d’Arlon, registered in the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B215831, has been declared bankrupt, by acknowledgement, by the District Court of and in Luxembourg, fifteenth chamber, sitting in commercial matters, on 23 December 2024. By the same judgement, the Court has appointed Me Cédric Schirrer as bankruptcy receiver.

In compliance with Article 45 (1) of the Law, the bankruptcy of Dock Financial S.A. has led to the withdrawal of its authorisation as an electronic money institution, confirmed by the CSSF on 24 December 2024. Publication of the withdrawal is done in accordance with Article 24-14 (3) of the Law.