
New eDesk Procedure – Yearly survey on covered claims in connection with investment business (ICS)

The CSSF would like to inform members of the Système d’indemnisation des investisseurs (SIIL) of the digitalisation of the yearly survey on covered claims in connection with investment business (ICS), previously in Excel format.

Please note that starting from 20 January 2025, and in accordance with Circular CSSF-CPDI 16/03 as amended by CSSF Circular-CPDI 25/44, the ICS yearly reporting on covered claims in connection with investment business shall soon be submitted to the CSSF through the following means of communication:

  • via a dedicated eDesk procedure within the eDesk platform;
  • via an API solution based on automated report submission (S3 protocol).

A user guide detailing the submission procedures is available on the CSSF website.

For questions regarding the circular or the reporting data collection, you may contact the CPDI (

For all other inquiries, please contact (