
Warning regarding the activities of the companies named Goldmill Wagner & Associates, Whitman Pearce & Partners, Eaton Capital Americas, Allied Champ Investments, Link Mergers and Acquisitions

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) warns the public of the activities of the following companies:

Goldmill Wagner & Associates (Costa Rica) Whitman Pearce & Partners (Costa Rica)

Eaton Capital Americas (Belize / Guatemala)

Allied Champ Investments (Canada)

Link Mergers and Acquisitions (Etats-Unis)

According to the information available to the CSSF, these companies are offering OTC transactions or investments in foreign securities to the persons contacted on the Luxembourg territory through unsolicited calls.

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier informs the public that the abovementioned companies have not been granted the required authorisation to offer such services in or from Luxembourg.