Archived since 13 June 2024
Published on 14 October 2021
Annual statistics

Presentation of total results

Situation as at 31 December 2020

Items (in million EUR)

12-2010 (1)(3)





12-2015 (2)

12-2016 (4)





Net interest income 5,479 5,865 5,551 5,090 4,066 4,496 4,717 4,886 4,994 5,384 5,254
Net fee and commission income 3,587 3,832 3,705 3,962 4,101 4,720 4,602 4,706 4,975 5,132 5,884
Other net income (2) 483 -830 578 1,403 2,217 2,262 3,038 2,166 1,841 1,550 1,438
Banking income 9,549 8,868 9,834 10,455 10,384 11,477 12,357 11,758 11,810 12,067 12,576
Staff costs -2,497 -2,535 -2,637 -2,745 -2,624 -3,065 -3,109 -3,161 -3,264 -3,545 -3,744
General administrative expenses -2,112 -2,253 -2,381 -2,453 -2,381 -2,878 -2,931 -3,092 -3,473 -3,740 -4,105
Result before provision 4,939 4,080 4,816 5,258 5,379 5,535 6,317 5,505 5,073 4,782 4,727

(1) As from 2008, these figures are taken from the common European reporting framework Finrep, based on IAS/IFRS accounting rules.

(2) As from 2015, dividends received by credit institutions are grouped with the other net income.In order to better reflect the trends of the different income sources of banks, the dividends received have been reclassified from interest-rate margin to other net income. This reclassification appropriately reflects the existing relation between the assets valued at fair value and the distribution of relating dividends.

(3) Since 2008, this item also includes possible tax credits as well as possible deferred tax charge (positive and negative) under the IFRS accounting standards and the common European reporting framework FINREP.

(4) As from 31 December 2016, the FINREP tables are only available in a broader scope, including foreign branches of Luxembourg credit institutions. It follows that the comparisons between the 2016 figures (including the branches) and the 2015 figures (excluding the branches) reflect both the development on a like-for-like basis and the broader scope.