
Warning concerning a fraud scheme misusing the name of the Luxembourg authorised payment institution Sogexia S.A.

(published on 10 December 2021, updated on 14 June 2022 and 7 July 2022)

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) warns the public of unknown persons misusing the name and address of the Luxembourg payment institution Sogexia S.A. These persons contact without solicitation possible investors offering them investment products, among which savings accounts. In doing so, they send emails in the address formats firstname.surname@scb-gestion.com and firstname.surname@scb-client.com.

Moreover, the CSSF warns the public of the website https://soxiagroupe.com, where an unknown entity offers banking services under the name “Sogexia Bank“ by misusing the name and logo of the payment institution Sogexia S.A.

The CSSF would like to point out that the payment institution Sogexia S.A., duly authorised in Luxembourg, is not related to the aforementioned website, nor to the persons and investment products referred to in this warning.