
L’ABE (EBA) publie les orientations finales relatives aux exigences de publication de Pilier 3 révisées (uniquement en anglais)

On 14 December 2016, EBA published its final Guidelines on regulatory disclosure requirements following an update of the Pillar 3 requirements by the Basel Committee in January 2015. These Guidelines represent a significant step forward in the EBA’s effort of improving and enhancing the consistency and comparability of institutions’ regulatory disclosures.

Following the release by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) of a revised version of the Pillar 3 framework (RPF) in January 2015, the EBA published its own initiative Guidelines to ensure the harmonised and timely implementation of the RPF in the EU. These Guidelines, while not changing the requirements of the regulatory disclosures defined in Part Eight of the CRR, provide further guidance and support to institutions in complying with both the CRR and the RPF requirements.

The Guidelines apply to Globally and Other Systemically Important Institutions (G-SIIs and O-SIIs) from 31 December 2017, but G-SIIs are encouraged to comply with a subset of those Guidelines as soon as 31 December 2016.

The document can be accessed by the following link: s+under+Part+Eight+of+Regulation+575+2013+%28EBA-GL-2016-11%29.pdf/20370623-9400-4b5e-ae2208e5baf4b841