Archivé depuis 30 novembre 2020
Publié le 2 novembre 2020

Nouveau formulaire pour la soumission des conditions définitives (Final Terms) à partir du 30 novembre 2020 (uniquement en anglais)

In the context of compliance with the Prospectus Regulation and the launch of the new ESMA register, the CSSF will change its Final Terms submission form as of 30 November 2020.

Within this framework, please be aware that we will only accept Final Terms submitted through the current form until 25 November 2020 16:00 CET. Therefore, your Final Terms for 26 and 27 November must be kept and submitted via the new form on 30 November 2020 with the new data required by annex VII of Regulation 2019/979.

This user guide gives you all the necessary information to complete this new form.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to send an email to the email address