
Rapports des fonds d’investissement prévus par la circulaire CSSF 21/790 disponibles dans eDesk (uniquement en anglais)

On 22 December 2021, the CSSF issued a communiqué on the publication of Circulars CSSF 21/788, 21/789 and 21/790. These circulars introduce new reports in order to improve the CSSF’s risk-based supervision, for both prudential and AML/CFT purposes, concerning investment fund managers (IFMs) and undertakings for collective investment (UCIs).

On 10 January 2022, the new module « Collective Investment Sector Reporting Tool » (CISERO) has been made available on the CSSF eDesk platform in order to prepare the reports referred to in Circulars CSSF 21/788 (AML/CFT external report) and CSSF 21/789 (IFMs) and to submit them to the CSSF.

The CSSF informs that, as from 31 March 2022, the reports introduced by Circular CSSF 21/790, namely the self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ), the separate report (SR) and the management letter (ML), which are applicable to UCITS, UCIs subject to Part II of the Law of 17 December 2010 (UCIs Part II), Specialised Investment Funds (SIFs) and Investment Companies in Risk Capital (SICARs) (“regulated UCIs”) are available in the CISERO module on the CSSF eDesk platform. At first, the SAQ, the SR (only for UCITS and UCIs Part II) and the ML for the regulated UCIs with a financial year ending between 30 June 2022 and 30 November 2022 are available in the module. Further information on the availability of the reports for the subsequent financial year-ends will be given in due time by means of a dedicated FAQ related to the CISERO module.

In addition, specific information that regulated UCIs have to transmit to the CSSF in accordance with Section 2.2. of Circular CSSF 21/790, in case the approved statutory auditor issues a modified audit opinion for a regulated UCI, is made available on the CSSF website under, in a dedicated section concerning the periodic transmission of information for the type of UCI falling within the scope of this circular. The letter, signed by the management of the fund, including the required information and all supporting documentation, has to be transmitted in accordance with that circular to the email address

In the context of this communication, the CSSF reminds that the requirements introduced by Circular CSSF 21/790 will be applicable as of the financial years ending 30 June 2022, with a phased implementation for the separate report as further specified in the circular.

The CISERO module is available on the CSSF eDesk platform ( in the section “Investment funds and vehicles/Investment fund managers”. The eDesk homepage can also be accessed via the toolbox of the CSSF website. A user guide for this module is available, explaining the procedures for completing, validating and submitting the different report types. In addition, a user guide on eDesk authentication and user account management can be found on the eDesk homepage.

For further assistance, the following email addresses are at your disposal:

  • Any question regarding authentication or account creation should be sent to
  • Any question relating to the circulars or the functioning of the new “Collective Investment Sector Reporting Tool” should be addressed to