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In Luxembourg, the Audit Law lays down that only réviseurs d’entreprises agréés (approved statutory auditors) and cabinets de révision agréés (approved audit firms) may carry out statutory audits.
The cabinets de révision (audit firms) and the réviseurs d’entreprises (statutory auditors) wishing to carry out statutory audits must:
Upon application, the CSSF grants the title ”réviseur d’entreprises” to:
To obtain the title, the persons concerned must submit an application to the CSSF through the Procedures for “Réviseurs d’entreprises” available under the eDesk Portal and by attaching:
Not later than eight working days as from receiving the written request and provided that the file containing the information necessary to verify the prerequisites is complete, the CSSF grants, via mail, the title of “réviseur d’entreprises” or notifies its refusal to grant this title. The letter granting the title includes the personal ID number allocated to the réviseur d’entreprises (statutory auditor) by the CSSF, which must be indicated in all subsequent exchanges with the CSSF.
The personal ID number allocated by the CSSF is a unique and permanent number.
The legal persons wishing to receive this title must complete an application to register a new audit firm via the eDesk Portal and attach:
On the basis of this information, the CSSF carries out an initial check of the conditions laid down in the Audit Law for obtaining the title and communicates, by email from eDesk, the ID number allocated to the audit firm allowing it to proceed with the registration.
On the basis of this ID number, the legal persons must complete the request for the title granting using the corresponding eDesk Portal procedure and attach it to their application.
For the legal person:
For all the members of the administrative or management body of the entity (except “réviseurs d’entreprises” and “réviseurs d’entreprises agrees”):
For all shareholders and beneficial owners (except “réviseurs d’entreprises”, “réviseurs d’entreprises agrees”, members of the administrative or management body):
Not later than eight working days as from receiving the written request and provided that the file containing the information necessary to verify the prerequisites is complete, the CSSF grants, via mail, the title of “cabinet de révision” or notifies its refusal to grant this title. The letter granting the title includes the personal ID number allocated to the cabinet de révision (audit firm) by the CSSF, which must be indicated in all subsequent exchanges with the CSSF.
The personal ID number allocated by the CSSF is a unique and permanent number.
In order to obtain the CSSF approval, the natural and legal persons should meet the following conditions :
Conditions for the approval of natural persons
In order to be approved, the natural person must have a professional establishment in Luxembourg and must be authorised to use the title of “réviseur d’entreprises”.
The approved natural person receives the title of “réviseur d’entreprises agréé“.
Conditions for the approval of legal persons
In order to be approved, the legal persons must be authorised to use the title of “cabinet de révision” and meet the following conditions:
The approved legal person receives the title of “cabinet de révision agréé”.
Natural and legal persons must submit an application via the corresponding procedures available on the eDesk Portal.
The CSSF will request, where necessary, the update of the documents requested at the time of the granting of the title (identity documents, declarations of honour, extracts of the police record, etc.).
Not later than eight working days as from receiving the written request and provided that the file containing the information necessary to verify the prerequisites is complete, the CSSF notifies, via mail, the approval or refusal to approve.
In Luxembourg, the Audit Law lays down that only réviseurs d’entreprises agréés (approved statutory auditors) and cabinets de révision agréés (approved audit firms) may carry out statutory audits.
However, a derogation to this principle exists that allows an audit firm approved in another Member State to carry out statutory audits in Luxembourg provided that the key audit partner carrying out the statutory audit on behalf of the audit firm is a réviseur d’entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor).
While exercising its activity in Luxembourg, the audit firm must comply with the Audit Law as do the cabinets de révision agréés (approved audit firms) and réviseurs d’entreprises agréés (approved statutory auditors) and will be subject to public oversight of the audit profession with respect to the statutory audits carried out in Luxembourg.
These audit firms will be registered by the CSSF and included in the public register in this capacity.
The audit firms wishing to benefit from this derogation must fill in Application Form EU (LU) and Annex Application Form EU (LU) and send them duly signed and with the required supporting documents attached to it (supaudit@cssf.lu).
Not later than eight working days as from receiving the written request and provided that the file containing the information necessary to verify the prerequisites is complete, the CSSF registers the audit firm. It allocates a personal ID number to the audit firm which must be indicated in all subsequent exchanges with the CSSF.
The personal ID number allocated by the CSSF is a unique and permanent number.
In accordance with the Audit Law and the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 18 December 2009 determining the conditions for the recognition of service providers from other Member States in order to carry out any duties exclusively entrusted to réviseurs d’entreprises (statutory auditors) by way of free provision of services, the professionals that wish to carry out in Luxembourg, on a temporary and occasional basis, any duties entrusted exclusively to réviseurs d’entreprises (statutory auditors) by the law, by way of free provision of services and without having a stable establishment, are required to notify the CSSF before their first provision of services.
The CSSF may refer to the consultative commission to verify the professional qualifications of the providers that wish to exercise by way of free provision of services in Luxembourg.
Two cases must be distinguished: