Communiqué de presse

Questions/Réponses de la CSSF apportant des précisions concernant l’application de la directive MiFID aux gestionnaires de fonds d’investissement (GFI) luxembourgeois (uniquement en anglais)

Communiqué de presse 21/13

Today the CSSF published an FAQ on the application of MiFID to Luxembourg IFMs. This CSSF FAQ aims at clarifying under what circumstances and to what extent MiFID applies to IFMs, their third-party delegates and their investment advisers.

The new FAQ has been included in the following CSSF FAQ:

IFMs are expected to comply with the CSSF FAQ as soon as possible and by 31 December 2021 at the latest, considering the best interests of investors.

Consequently, IFMs should as soon as possible analyse their organisation model in order to assess: