
Publication du rapport de l’EBA relatif à l’application des orientations sur les modalités de gouvernance et de surveillance des produits bancaires de détail (GSP) (uniquement en anglais)

The CSSF would like to draw the attention of the public to the publication of the EBA Report on the application of the Guidelines on Product Oversight and Governance (POG) arrangements (the “Report”).

The Report highlights findings from the EBA’s first assessment of the way in which manufacturers have applied the EBA Guidelines on Product Oversight and Governance (POG) arrangements (EBA/GL/2015/18, the “POG Guidelines”, and includes a number of good practice examples.

The CSSF expects all entities subject to the supervision of the CSSF and which act as manufacturers of retail banking products to consider the good practices identified by the EBA in the Report and, where applicable, to improve their application of the POG Guidelines accordingly.

Please find below a link to the Report: POG+arrangements.pdf